Read below to learn why you should subscribe today.
  • Instant Access

    Get instant access to ALL MovNat E-Courses with an active Membership.

  • Automatic Enrollments

    Automatically become enrolled in NEW MovNat E-Courses as they become available.

  • Excellent Value

    Access to all MovNat e-courses for one year.

Your Guide to the Full Access Membership

How should I progress through the MovNat E-Course Library?

While there is no right or wrong order to complete our E-Courses, we recommend you start with the Beginner courses, progress to Intermediate, and ultimately Advanced.


  • Will I receive access to New MovNat E-Courses?

    Yes, as long as you have an active membership you will automatically be granted access to NEW MovNat E-Courses within 24hrs of them being added to our site.

  • How does the Full Access Membership differ from purchasing Individual E-Courses or Bundles?

    The membership grants you access to the e-courses as long as you keep your membership active with the yearly subscription. Purchasing individual E-Courses or Bundles grants you lifetime access to those courses.

  • How will the Full Access Membership affect the MovNat E-Courses I already own?

    If you already own MovNat E-Courses, joining the Full-Access Membership will not affect your other purchases, it will only add the courses you do not yet have. If you cancel your membership you will still retain access to the E-Courses or Bundles you have individually purchased.

  • What happens if I cancel my Full-Access Membership?

    If you choose to cancel your Membership subscription, it will end access to subscribed E-Courses at the end of your billing period. You will still retain access to any E-Courses or Bundles that you have purchased individually, outside of the membership. Please note that after the 14-day refund window, yearly subscriptions are non-cancelable.

  • In what order should I complete the E-Courses?

    While there is no right or wrong order to complete our E-Courses, we recommend you start with Mobility, Crawling Basics, Chair Antidote, and Balance Foundations. Next progress through Level 1 Fundamentals, Metabolic Conditioning, and Climbing Basics: Foot Pinch Mastery. Finally take on Mobility Advanced and Level Up.

  • Why $270/year ?

    For those looking for a more cost-effective option, we offer an annual membership plan at $270 per year. This option is perfect for those committed to their fitness journey and looking to make a long-term investment in their health and well-being.

Our Full-Access Membership is subject to a 14-Day Refund window that begins at the time of enrollment. If you choose to cancel your Membership subscription after the initial 14-Day Refund window, access to the subscribed E-Courses will be removed at the end of your billing period.